Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Comma vs semicolon

A comma links two independant clauses with a conjunction following the first independant clause. A semicolon links two independant clauses without a conjuction.
Independant clauses could be independant sentences. A semi colon is a comma PLUS a dot above. So you can remember to use it similarly to a comma, but it has a little more power, you don't need to use conjuction. The semi colon is used in cases where you prefer the reader to make the connection rather than the writer such as in humor.
Semicolon can also be used with a transition such as- in addition to, however, otherwise, and therefore. For more insights on the uses of commas and semicolons look here.

1 comment:

  1. Great information on comma vs semicolon. I never could tell when to use one or the other, so I always just used a comma. I love how you went beyond just pasting something up and actually looked into the grammar issue. Very solid and concise in your information. You are setting the bar much higher on a good grammar post. GREAT WORK!!!!!
